Design and development for:

social impact

social justice

equitable housing

independent journalism

Identafire extends the reach and impact of your message and mission with truly exceptional visual design.

About Identafire

Contact Us


marke bieschke

Marke Bieshke

Publisher, San Francisco Bay Guardian

san francisco bay guardian

“Working with Identafire has been a dream. Aaron anticipates all our design needs, and delivers creative solutions that not only strengthen our concepts but inspire us to think bigger and bolder.” 

rani langer-croager

Rani Langer-Croager

Co-Founder & CEO, Uptima Business Bootcamp

uptima business bootcamp

“We rely on Identafire for all our graphic design needs, from printed marketing collateral to web advertisements. The staff at Identafire understand how to create and implement a brand aesthetic for mission-driven organizations. In addition, they are highly professional in their project management and communication. We always recommend Identafire to our clients and partners.”

theo rigby

Theo Ribgy

Documentary Filmmaker & Founder, iNation Films

ination media

“Identafire is my go-to for all my graphic design and web-hosting needs. I love the convenience of collaborating with one person on all creative aspects of a project to ensure a visually strong and unified presence for my work. Aaron Joseph effortlessly combines deep artistic talent with technical know-how and an unwavering commitment to excellence and client service that is mission-focused.” 
